
How Can I Get Pictures To Size Oñ Mobile Blog

You are here: Home / Social Media Tips / Social Media Image Sizes 2021: The Ultimate Cheat Sheet

2020 Social Media cheat sheet banner with Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Instagram, YouTube icons

Searching for the bestsocial media image sizes?

Since these sizes are ever-changing, it's tough to find a guide that's completely correct. So I made one for you – with a free cheat sheet!

It's simple but accurate. Outdated infographics are still widely posted and shared, despite their misinformation.

Sadly, even the big companies that earn megabucks selling SaaS have incorrect info posted today.

Here are the optimal, updated social media sizes for visual content, as of August 2021.

Full chart at the end of the post. Log in as a member to get your free printable cheat sheet and templates!

I've included ALL essential sizes for Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, AND YouTube on the chart. You'll find notes about aspect ratio and maximum file size where known.

TikTok, Tumblr, Tinder, MeWe, and Meetup sizes are listed at the end of this post, though not on the chart.

The platforms are listed in order of my audience's interest, and I've added a Table of Contents if you need a quick answer. You'll find it underneath the important cross-platform considerations below.

Please leave a comment if any need to be corrected. I'll update as quickly as possible!

multi platform image sizes banner

The best social media post size

Posting on more than one of the social networks? Don't drive yourself crazy – use these sizes that work across multiple social media platforms.

Best size for image posts

1200 pixels square is ideal for Facebook and Instagram posts. It also works well for LinkedIn posts – and can work for Twitter, if you keep any type or other critical elements away from the top and bottom of the image.

Feel free to download this handy template! Then you can plan how your square images will crop on Twitter and LinkedIn.

Just right-click to save.

square social media post template.

A square is a 1:1 aspect ratio.

Squares can also be posted on Pinterest. Test these against the recommended 2:3 aspect ratio Pins, and see how squares go over with your audience. Sometimes they rock for me!

If Pinterest is your main platform, try the 2:3 Pin images on Facebook, as they work there too. In fact, I love the impact these taller images have on Facebook.

You can control how these tall images are cropped to 4:5 for the Instagram feed, but it's center cropped to square for your IG gallery.

Here's the handy template for tall social media posts that are optimized for Pinterest Pins. Right-click to save to your hard drive.

template for tall social media image posts.

Best image size for link posts

Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn all recommend 1.91:1 aspect ratio image. You need to be including this shape image on every blog post and page!

Twitter calls out 1200 x 628 pixels, and LinkedIn says 1200 x 627.

Update: Facebook is now saying 1200 x 630, but those 2 or 3 pixels won't hurt either way. Maybe they're just trying to round up!

Multiply the width of your blog's content area by .524 to get the image height. Since my content area is 720px wide, this comes out to 720 x 377 pixels for me.

How do I get images to these sizes?

Q: Do you have recommendation for how to get photos these desired image sizes? I am using iPhoto and I am not getting exact dimensions you describe.

A: You could use a free online photo editor like Pixlr. Alternatively, you can use an online image creator that has lots of sizes already set up for you!

The two easiest ones I've found are Stencil and Snappa. Choose a size template, pick or upload a photo, and it's automatically sized to fit. Adjust cropping as desired.

Both have a free option or free trial. The paid plans have an amazing Instant Resize feature, so you can make perfectly-sizes images for every network! Watch it on Stencil below.

Disclosure: If you upgrade to a paid account, I may earn a small commission, at no cost to you. I only recommend what I've tried, and think you'll love!

• • • Click here to try Stencil for FREE • • •

Social Media Sizes: Table of Contents

Loads of great info on this page!

In a hurry? Click to jump to the section that interests you most.

Facebook Page image sizes 2021

Pinterest image sizes 2021

Instagram image sizes 2021

Twitter image sizes 2021

LinkedIn image sizes 2021

Tumblr image sizes 2021

TikTok image sizes 2021 plus Tinder, MeWe, and Meetup

Facebook image sizes banner

Facebook Image Sizes 2021

"New Facebook" is here!

I think I was the last person on the planet to finally get switched to it, on December 1, 2020.

The good news is, the image size changes are minor – generally a few pixels here and there on various cover photos.

Facebook Cover Photo sizes

There's a profusion (or confusion) of FB cover photos. Click through to the in-depth articles for details and free templates.

➔ Facebook Page: 820 x 312 pixels on desktop / 640 x 360 mobile | Optimize your Facebook Page cover photo size for both desktop and mobile!

➔ Facebook Group: 1640 x 856 pixels minimum | Optimize your Facebook Group cover photo size for desktop and mobile.

➔ Facebook Event: 1200 x 628 pixels | Optimize your Facebook Event cover photo size for desktop and mobile.

➔ Facebook Profile: 851 x 315 pixels | Optimize your Facebook Profile cover photo size for desktop and mobile.

Want one size for all Facebook cover photos? Use 16:9 proportion and allow for cropping.

This size works perfectly on mobile Pages. You must allow cropping top and bottom on desktop, so don't place text or other critical elements near the top and bottom.

This proportion works out to: 1200 x 675, 1640 x 923, or 1920 x 1080pixels. Your choice!

I always recommend going with a larger image for best quality. While FB sometimes specifies minimum sizes required for upload, modern displays have such great resolution that low quality images don't cut it any more. Go BIG!

And, it must be a static image. There's no longer an option to use a video as your cover photo.

Other important Facebook image sizes

For more details, see the linked posts.

➔ Facebook Profile photo size: displays 170 x 170 pixels on Page | Make the best Facebook Profile Picture size for more likes. Download a FREE template there!

➔ Facebook Link preview size: min. 600 x 315 pixels | How to get a LARGE Facebook link thumbnail.

➔ Facebook Photo post size: on the wall, 476 pixels wide x varied height, larger gives better quality.

Re minimum wall post size, I hope you are usinglarger photos than minimum already! Up to 2048 x 2048 pixels works for Facebook photo posts.

Want more about Facebook image quality, file types, compression etc?

Every Facebook image size marketers need

Yes, there's more!

Find details about round profile pictures, video sizes, Stories, "Our Story," Page services, and job postings.

Plus an infographic of ALL Facebook ad sizes!

Pin the Facebook image sizes cheat sheet, and read on.

Facebook image sizes cheat sheet

Pinterest image sizes banner

Pinterest Image Sizes 2021

New in 2020: profile covers. Beware though! As of late 2020, if you upload a cover image, you can no longer revert to the collage of Pins.

Pinterest profile covers can be an image or a video.

Your image or video will be cropped to the standard YouTube-shaped 16:9 aspect ratio.

The size I see on my retina display is 1440 x 810 pixels, so you could use that if you want to create an image and crop it before uploading.

However, if you just have a horizontal photo, you can easily crop or pan your image to fit the 16:9 ratio after uploading it.

You could also upload your Facebook cover photo for this use, if appropriate to your Pinterest account.

Keep it simple. I wouldn't use a YouTube video with a lot going on. A photo slideshow works well!

Remember, the main attraction is your Pins, and that profile videos will play on mute when your profile loads.

Pinterest profile cover specs:

Images: 16:9 aspect ratio high resolution JPG, PNG, or GIF up to 10MB.

Videos: 16:9 aspect ratio MOV or MP4 up to 2GB and 5 minutes.

Pinterest profile cover
NEW Pinterest profile covers are rolled out in 2020. Use a 16:9 image or video.

Pin news for 2021: Pinterest is recommending we use larger, higher quality images.

And they're backing it up with a warning! Some users are getting a notice that their Pin sizes aren't optimal:

pin size warning screenshot

Once you choose your width, keep your Pin dimensions in these proportions:

  • 1:1 or square
  • 1:1.5 or slightly tall (Pinterest says optimal)
  • 1:2.1 or moderately tall

Get more Pin size details, plus how to keep your website loading quickly with large images, at this in-depth article.

Pinterest board covers: Pinterest continues to de-emphasize boards by removing the Showcase feature and the Boards page (though you can still see boards on the "Saved" tab).

If you really want 'em though, make 'em SQUARE and at least 340 x 340 pixels. 600 or even 1000 pixels square would be better.

➔ Pinterest Profile Photo size: 180 x 180 or larger.

➔ Maximum Pin width when clicked: varies by device viewed on.

➔ Board cover: suggested minimum 340 x 340.

➔ Minimum image size that can be pinned: 100 x 200 (I can no longer verify this).

Pin the Pinterest image sizes cheat sheet, and read on.

Pinterest image sizes cheat sheet

Instagram image sizes banner

Instagram Image Sizes 2021

Instagram posts are no longer limited to square! However, your images will still be cropped to square on your profile page gallery.

➔ Instagram Profile Photo size: 110 x 110 minimum | Rock your IG profile photo

➔ Instagram photo size: minimum 1080 width for best quality

➔ Instagram landscape photo size: 1.91:1 proportion, or 1080 x 566.

➔ Instagram portrait photo size: 4:5 proportion, or 1080 x 1350.

Pin the Instagram image sizes cheat sheet, and read on.

Instagram image sizes

Twitter image sizes banner

Twitter Image Sizes 2021

Recent news: the infuriating Twitter header that could crop 100 different ways became one standard shape and size on every device and browser width (August 2019). It's no longer responsive but stays at a static aspect ratio of 3:1.

Tweeted image size changed in 2017. Even in 2021, it's still quoted incorrectly almost everywhere. Read on for the straight scoop.

What does Twitter say about image sizes?

➔ Twitter Header size: 3:1 or 1500 x 500 pixels | Twitter header free template

➔ Twitter Profile size: 1:1 or 400 x 400 pixels

➔ Tweeted Image size: 16:9 or 1200 x 675 pixels

➔ Twitter Card image size: 1.91:1 or 1200 x 628 pixels

Tweeted images are not 2:1 proportion! If you post that size, the edges will be cut off in the stream.

Tweet images will still be shown in full when clicked, so you can use square for portability across social media networks – but they'll be cropped in the feed on mobile.

Multi-image tweet sizes

Multi-image tweet sizes

  • For two images, the images will be side by side, both at 7:8 aspect ratios.
  • For three images, there will be one 7:8 aspect ratio image on the left, with two 4:7 aspect ratio images running up the right side of the image.
  • For four images, there will be four 2:1 aspect ratio images in a grid.

LEARN MORE: Twitter Image Sizes 2021: This Is All You Need to Know

Pin the Twitter image sizes cheat sheet, and read on.

Twitter image sizes cheat sheet

LinkedIn image sizes banner

LinkedIn Image Sizes 2021

LinkedIn Page cover image size

Updated January 2020. "LinkedIn Pages" were formerly called "Company Pages".

According to LI, "LinkedIn Pages are the next generation of LinkedIn Company Pages. Pages have been rebuilt from the ground up…" source

BUT LinkedIn themselves were still calling out the OLD (wrong) size for the NEW Page cover image in their help documentation!

When you go to your Page to upload this banner, you'll see the right size recommended: 1,128 x 191 pixels.

linkedin page cover image upload message

Since the cover image actually displays larger than 1,128 wide on retina screens, I recommend you double those pixels for a nice, high-resolution image.

I created a test image at 2,256 x 382 pixels and share the results below.

This slim image is almost 6 times as wide as tall. But on iPad, it's cut at the bottom to a slice that's 10 times as wide as tall!

Account for the overlapping logo, which takes a big chunk out on iPhone display, and you're left with a sliver of an image that leaves little room to design anything.

Unfortunately, you'll have to create something and test it on different devices if it has critical elements that need to show. Or else think of it as more of a "background" image that doesn't have faces, type, or other elements that would look bad when cropped on different devices.

What LinkedIn recommends:

Your cover image may have to be adjusted to fit the screen which may involve trimming the image horizontally or vertically. We recommend uploading a high-quality image with as little text as possible to ensure an optimal display on all devices and screen sizes. Our accepted image formats for uploads are PNG or JPEG.

You do have some ability to move this cover photo around when you upload.

LinkedIn Page cover image cropping by device
Beware the LinkedIn Page cover image cropping and logo overlay on various views.

LinkedIn Personal Profile

Those maddening responsive background images (banner / cover photo) on personal profiles were dumped in August 2017. The new recommended size is 1584 wide by 396 high. This is exactly 4:1 proportion.

You can also crop, filter, and adjust your photo after you upload it to LinkedIn.

Tips from LinkedIn:

If your background image appears blurry or pixelated, please choose an image with a file size as close to the maximum (8 MB) as possible, as images with larger file sizes typically look better. Photos will also look better than images with logos.

You can crop, filter, and adjust the NEW LinkedIn background photo – August 2017.

LinkedIn link share images

Sharing links to articles and blog posts on LinkedIn?

Whether for your profile or Page, "Link share" images for LinkedIn closely match those for Facebook and Twitter.

1.91:1 is the correct aspect ratio. LinkedIn says:

When adding custom images to a Page update with a URL, please keep the following image display guidelines in mind:

  • Use a 1.91:1 ratio (1200×627 px).
  • Image must be more than 200px wide.
    • If your image width is less than 200px, it will appear as a thumbnail on the left side of the post.
    • Note: This doesn't apply if you're posting an image only or an image and text. The image will be enlarged to fit the feed.
  • Images on mobile won't be cropped. Images of other ratios will show in full with subtle white padding.

LinkedIn post image size

LinkedIn photo post size seems difficult to determine. It appears to be a slightly taller shape than previously, but no one seems to agree on the size (see this discussion). If you find someone who makes picture quotes specifically to a LinkedIn size, won't you let us know?

One woman suggested 792 x 528px. I checked and it did look the same on desktop and mobile. However, when you click on desktop, it gets so much bigger. I'd double those dimensions for best clarity.

I like square for portability across platforms.

1200 x 1200 square looks best on desktop, but gets cropped to horizontal in the mobile feed. The link share size works best there.

Decide how most of your audience is using LI and choose accordingly.

LinkedIn image recap

Max file size 8MB and file type must be PNG, JPEG, or GIF.

➔ LinkedIn profile cover photo: 1584 wide by 396 high. This is exactly 4:1 proportion.

➔ LinkedIn profile picture: Per LI, upload any size between 400 x 400 pixels and 20,000 x 20,000 px.

➔ LinkedIn blog post link shares: 1200 x 627 px.

➔ LinkedIn photo share: 1200 x 1200 square looks best on desktop, 1200 x 627 on mobile.

➔ LinkedIn Page cover photo size: 1,128 x 191 px.

➔ LinkedIn logo size: 300 x 300 square. No more horizontal.

More company and career page image sizes on LinkedIn here.

Pin the LinkedIn image sizes cheat sheet, and read on.

LinkedIn image sizes cheat sheet

YouTube image sizes banner

YouTube Image Sizes

➔ YouTube channel art: 2560 x 1440 pixels | Learn how to create YouTube Channel Art with FREE templates

➔ Be sure to grab the template as cropping varies wildly from TV to mobile to desktop.

➔ Video thumbnail: 1280 x 720 pixels

➔ Channel icon: 800 x 800 pixels

Tumblr image sizes banner

Tumblr Image Sizes

It's hard to find image sizes for this platform, and one reason may be that it's pretty freeform. Different themes can vary greatly.

I don't use Tumblr and decided not to add it to the cheat sheet, since I won't know if things change.

Here's an excellent Tumblr sizes overview offered by reader Morgana Johnson:

Although all themes are different, the most common sizes still display 500 and 400 width posts (and most "photography" themes either display everything with a width of 1280, or even the highest resolution available).

However, anything on the dashboard feed is shown at and resized to 540. Size limitations have also risen to 10MB for pictures, and supposedly 3MB for animated .gif images (However animated gifs are just buggy on tumblr, it's best to "aim" between 1-3MB.)

Anyone using tumblr as a portfolio would have the best experience, and largest variety of themes to choose from, if they create images with a width of 500 or 400. However, those who plan to market themselves and gain a following on tumblr should create images meant to be displayed at 540. Those particular users should also pay close attention to the following new feature:

Tumblr has implemented a "dashboard pop-over" with a header, which works both as a mobile theme and allows desktop users to have a quick glance at a blog without leaving the dashboard. The header displays at "various sizes" with an aspect ratio of 16:9. Generally, it displays at 1240 x 700 for desktop browsers, but is optimized at 640 × 360 for mobile.

(It can also display animated gif images with the same size restrictions as posts. From my personal experience, however, I can't get any header to animate if it's larger than 1.5MB.)

It's also worth noting that users who choose to keep the default theme show the same header at 3000 x 1055 on their blog, and displays posts with a width of 540. ~MJ

TikTok image sizes banner.

TikTok image sizes

This one's easy.

Videos will be in a standard 9:16 shape (be sure to film with the phone vertical).

Shorter ones, down to square size, are accepted but will have a black border top and bottom.

Meh! Go tall.

If you're making graphics for a slideshow, use the IG Stories size of 1080 x 1920.

Leave a  150px margin on top and bottom and 64px margin on each side for TikTok text overlay.

➔ TikTok profile picture size: 200 x 200. JPG, PNG. Minimum size is 20 x 20.

➔ TikTok video size:1080 x 1920. File size: 287.6 MB (iOS) and 72 MB (Android). MP4, MOV.

➔ TikTok video ads size: 720 x 1280px / 640x640px / 1280 x 720px. File size: 500 MB. MP4, MOV, MPEG, 3GP, AVI.

Tinder Photo Sizes banner

Tinder Photo Sizes

Nope, I don't use Tinder, but due to the popularity of this article, Google is sending searchers here for Tinder photo dimensions.

Not one to disappoint, I'm including them for you!

Tinder requires photos be cropped to square for upload.

According to Photofeeler, on an iPhone 6, the required Tinder pixel dimensions are 640 x 640.

In the swiping deck, however, this will be zoomed into and displayed at 600 x 848 pixels. This aspect ratio is 1:1.325, or 7:10.

The exact number of pixels will vary by the viewer's device.

My suggestion is to start with a photo where your face doesn't fill the square from side to side, since you can anticipate those sides being cropped off in the swiping deck.

And don't use a photo where your face is way off to one side, as you'll lose part of your face in the swiping deck.

Or, you can use an app like Square Instapic that will add borders to the sides of your portrait-shaped portrait to make it a square.

BTW, 8 x 10 is the standard portrait shape. So not exactly Tinder's 7 x 10, but close. 🙂

Wondering how to get a picture to fit Tinder? This template will help.

tinder image cropping visual
Here's how your Tinder image crops on the swiping deck.

MeWe image sizes banner.

MeWe image sizes

MeWe provides limited info on the best image sizes for their platform.

The optimal banner/cover photo size is called out as 945 x 320 px. This is approximately 3 times wider than tall.

For the optimal profile photo, they suggest 144 x 144 px. If you have a larger image, I don't think you must size it down to this dimension. MeWe will reduce it to the proper display size. source

As far as posts, MeWe tells us that you can safely share photos, videos, documents, voice messages, Dual-Camera MeWe's chats, GIFs, memes, doodles, disappearing content, stories, and much more – but they don't clue us in on best sizes.

Save time and repurpose content from other networks you use.

The maximum file size you can upload is 500MB, whether you have a paid account or not. This applies to videos, photos, documents, audio files, and anything else you might choose to upload.

If you have any tips for MeWe images, please leave a comment!

Meetup image sizes banner.

Meetup image sizes

A reader suggested this, and after a moment's thought, I had to agree:

What could be more social than a platform to meet up IRL?

Meetup is all about groups and their events. Of course, you'll also have a profile photo. You can set one for your account profile and different ones for your groups, if you like.

Your account profile photo will be used by default for your group profiles. After a group profile photo is set, changing your account profile photo will not update your group profile.

You can update each of your group profile photos individually.

Meetup profile photos are 1:1 ratio. For example, a square 400 pixels high by 400 pixels wide photo will work. Or any size JPG or PNG, as long as the file is under 10MB.

Meetup group logos are the same, with 400 x 400 recommended.

Meetup group cover photos are an easy way to differentiate your group and attract potential members.

Use a photo in JPG, PNG, or non-animated GIF format with a 16:9 ratio. The ideal dimensions for a group cover photo are 600 x 338. The file size limit is 10MB.

If you're setting your cover photo for the first time, you must set it from your computer.

  1. Go to your group's homepage
  2. If you're just starting out and don't have any group photos yet, selectUpload a photo.
  3. If you already have group photos, selectChange photo.
  4. Here you can eitherChoose from existing orUpload a photoif you want something new.
  5. Choose your new cover photo and be sure toSaveyour changes. source

Sponsor logo image dimensions are 120 x 90.

Meetup event page featured photo is ideally 580 x 320. Just be sure to feature a horizontal shot for best impact.

A Meetup event photo album is a crowdsourced memory bank for a group.

When an event is scheduled a photo album is created automatically. Group organizers, co-organizers, and assistant organizers can create new photo albums from the Photos section of the group as well. All members can upload photos to an album but cannot create a new album. source

The only requirement here is that event photos be JPG or PNG format and under 10MB each.

Social Media Cheat Sheet 2021: Conclusion

Now that you've got the sizes – what images should you post? I've got you covered there too!

• • • CLICK to Get your FREE Social Media Content Guide! • • •

I hope you find my cheat sheets helpful. Let me know if your experience differs.

Members: download a printable version by logging in (Or get a free membership here.)

You'll find lots of free social media templates in the member library, too. Win-win 🙂

Help battle the misinformation being passed around. Size does matter!

You can find more image sizes in these articles:

Squarespace image sizes

Google display ad sizes

Pin or tweet to share this complete updated social media image sizes cheat sheet with your friends and followers. Thanks!

Social Media cheat sheet listing image sizes for Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube

How Can I Get Pictures To Size Oñ Mobile Blog


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